Slovo pred nachatiem blagodarstvennogo gospodu bogu molebstviya, po sluchayu pokoreniya Frantsuzskoy stolitsy pobedonosn...
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Slovo pred nachatiem blagodarstvennogo gospodu bogu molebstviya, po sluchayu pokoreniya Frantsuzskoy stolitsy pobedonosnymi Rossiyskimi i soyuznymi voyskami, proiznesennoe v Moskovskom Uspenskom sobore aprelya 23 dnya 1814
Word before the commencement of the Lord"s Prayer of thanks to the Lord on the occasion of the conquest of the French capital by victorious Russian and Allied troops, delivered in the Moscow Assumption Cathedral on April 23, 1814Author:
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Please feel free to request a detailed description. Short description: Avgustin. Word before the commencement of the Lord"s Prayer of thanks to the Lord on the occasion of the conquest of the French capital by victorious Russian and Allied troops, delivered at Moscow Assumption Cathedral on April 23, 1814. Publisher: Synodal type. Moscow, 1814. In Russian (pre-reform spelling). SKUe5cebd741868f2ab.
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Reprint in black & white from the original edition. No changes have been made to the original text. The work may contain library stamps and other notations. Hardcover (other binding may be available upon request).
The original edition may also be available - feel free to contact us to request availability of the original edition of this book.