Shtat sochinennoy v skhodnost" vysochayshe konfirmovannago 1805 goda marta 16 dnya postanovleniya odnoy artilleriyskoy p...
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Shtat sochinennoy v skhodnost" vysochayshe konfirmovannago 1805 goda marta 16 dnya postanovleniya odnoy artilleriyskoy pantonnoy roty, s priobshcheniem prinadlezhashchikh ko onoy tabelyami o mundirnykh ammunichnykh i oruzheynykh veshchakh, i vedomostey godovykh remontnykh summ V pravlenie artillerieyu inspektora vsey artillerii artillerii generala i kavalera grafa Arakcheeva
Staff of one artillery pantomime company, composed in 1805 of the highest quality, on the 16th day of the decree of one artillery company, with the appendix of its uniform and armoury records and annual repair bills to the Artillery Board of the inspector of all artillery of General and Cavalry Count ArakcheevAuthor:
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Please feel free to request a detailed description. Short description: The staff of one artillery pantomime company, composed in the same manner as the most authoritative of the year 1805, on the 16th day of the resolution of one artillery company, with the appendix of the tables relating to them on the uniform ammunition and weapons things, and the lists of the annual repair sums In the Board of Artillery, the inspector of all artillery, General and Knight Count Arkchev. Publisher: Medical Print Shop. St. Petersburg, 1807. In Russian. SKU1ff316b8eeab8e44.
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Reprint in black & white from the original edition. No changes have been made to the original text. The work may contain library stamps and other notations. Hardcover (other binding may be available upon request).
The original edition may also be available - feel free to contact us to request availability of the original edition of this book.