Razsuzhdenie o grazhdanskom i ugolovnom zakonopolozhenii: S predvaritel"nym izlozheniem nachal zakonopolozheniya i vseob...
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Razsuzhdenie o grazhdanskom i ugolovnom zakonopolozhenii: S predvaritel"nym izlozheniem nachal zakonopolozheniya i vseobshchago nachertaniya polnoy Knigi zakonov, i s prisovokupleniem opyta o vliyanii vremeni i mesta otnositel"no zakonov / Soch. angliyskago yuriskonsul"ta Ieremia Bentama; Izdannoe v svet na frantsuzskom yazyke Step. Dyumonom po rukopisyam ot avtora emu dostavlennym.; Perevedennoe Mikhaylom Mikhaylovym; S pribavleniem dopolneniy ot g-na Dyumona soobshchennykh.; Po vysochayshemu poveleniyu. T. 1: Nachala zakonopolozheniya
Discourse on civil and criminal law: With a preliminary outline of the legal regulations and a general outline of the complete Book of Laws, and with the addition of experience on the influence of time and place concerning laws / An essay by the English legal adviser Jeremiah Bentham; Published in French by Step Dumont on the manuscripts from the author delivered to him.; Translated by Mikhail Mikhailov; With the addition of additions from Mr. Dumont reportedAuthor:
Bentam IeremiYaYear:
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Please feel free to request a detailed description. Short description: Bentam IeremiYa. Discourse on civil and criminal law: With a preliminary outline of the legal regulations and a general outline of the complete Book of Laws, and with the addition of experience on the influence of time and place relative to laws / An essay by the English legal adviser Jeremy Bentham; Published in French by Step Dumont on the manuscripts from the author delivered to him.; Translated by Mikhail Mikhailov; With the addition of additions from Mr. Dumont reported.; By the highest command. 1805. In Russian. SKU8bc3db51fa34cfb2.
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Reprint in black & white from the original edition. No changes have been made to the original text. The work may contain library stamps and other notations. Hardcover (other binding may be available upon request).
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