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Anekdoty dostoprimechatel"neyshikh proizshestviy, sluchivshikhsya v techenie nyneshney voyny s frantsuzami, ili 1) Bezprimernyya cherty velichiya, pravosudiya i blagosti monarkha; 2) Bezpristrastnoe izobrazhenie velikago dukha, tverdago kharaktera, nepokolebimoy reshitel"nosti, glubokomysliya, blagorazumiya i predusmotritel"nosti rossiyskikh polkovodtsev; 3) Nepodrazhaemye primery khrabrosti, neustrashimosti, otvazhnosti i terpelivosti voinstva: S prisovokupleniem protivopolozhnykh svoystv i deystviy frantsuzov, kak-to: verolomstva, lyutosti, zverstva, bezchelovechiya, nenasytnosti, bezveriya, razvrata, krovozhadnosti, korystolyubiya, tshcheslaviya, nespravdelivosti, neblagodarnosti i drugikh porokov i nechestiy, otlichayushchikh frantsuzskuyu natsiyu. / Sobrannye Filippom Sinel"nikovym Ch.1 / Jokes of the most remarkable deeds that have occurred during the present war with the French, or 1) the unparalleled features of the grandeur, justice, and goodness of the monarch; 2) an unbiased depiction of the great spirit, steadfast character, steadfast determination, deep-mindedness, prudence, and foresight of the Russian generals; 3) inimitable examples of courage, intrepidation, courage, and forbearance of the military: Combining the opposing qualities and actions of the French, such as perfidy, lust, cruelty, inhumanity, insatiability, indifference, debtedness, debtedness, bloodlust, vanity, untruthfulness, ungratitude, and other vices and dishonesty that characterize the French nation. / Collected by Philippe Sinelnikov Part I.. 1813

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Please feel free to request a detailed description. Short description: Ushinskii K. Spider. 1861. In Russian (pre-reform spelling). SKUaa11b71e920356f0.

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Reprint in black & white from the original edition. No changes have been made to the original text. The work may contain library stamps and other notations. Hardcover (other binding may be available upon request).

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