Kartina na den
  • Translit

    Kartina na den" tezoimenitstva ego prevoskhoditel"stva gospodina deystvitel"nago statskago sovetnika Nikolaya Sergeevicha Vsevolozhskago, vitse-prezidenta Imperatorskoy Mediko-khirurgicheskoy akademii, sv. georgiya chetvertoy stepeni kavalera, Imperatorskago Moskovskago ispytateley prirody, Parizh. medits. sorevnovaniya i Iens. mineralog. obshchestv chlena. Stikhotvorenie

  • Eng:

    A picture on the day of the namesake of His Excellency Mr. Nikolai Sergeevich Vsevolozhsky, Vice-President of the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy, Saint George of the Fourth Degree, Imperial Moscow Testers of Nature, Paris Medical Competitions, and Jens Mineralogical Associations.
  • Author:

    Zelenev S.
  • Year:

  • Availability:

    Print on demand

    This book is printed on demand. It is a new book and will be printed once your order is received


  • SKU:


Please feel free to request a detailed description. Short description: Zelenev S. A picture on the day of the namesake of His Excellency Mr. Nikolai Sergei Vsevolozhsky, the real State Counselor, Vice-President of the Imperial Medical and Surgical Academy, Saint George of the Fourth Class, Imperial Moscow Testers of Nature, the Paris Medical Competition, and the Jens Mineral Society. Publisher: Printing house of N. S. Vsevolozhsky. Moscow, 1812. In Russian. SKU5262781586347df.

This book is printed on demand. It is a new book and will be printed once your order is received.

Reprint in black & white from the original edition. No changes have been made to the original text. The work may contain library stamps and other notations. Hardcover (other binding may be available upon request).

The original edition may also be available - feel free to contact us to request availability of the original edition of this book.

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