Istoriya Rossiyskago gosudarstva, ot nachala onago do nyneshnikh vremen Sostavlennaya iz istoricheskikh nastavleniy Sank...
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Istoriya Rossiyskago gosudarstva, ot nachala onago do nyneshnikh vremen Sostavlennaya iz istoricheskikh nastavleniy Sanktpeterburgskoy Akademii nauk adyunkta g. Gakmana, do 1786 goda, a dalee iz drugikh dostovernykh povestvovateley sobrannaya dlya pol"zy lyubiteley otechestvennoy istorii, a osoblivo obuchayushchagosya yunoshestva S prisovokupleniem nuzhnykh obyasneniy
The History of the Russian State, from the beginning to the present, Compiled from the historical manuals of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences by Adjunct Gakman until 1786, and further from other reliable narrators, collected for the benefit of lovers of Russian history and especially young people who study, with the addition of the necessary explanationsAuthor:
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Please feel free to request a detailed description. Short description: The History of the Russian State, from the beginning to the present, Compiled from the historical manuals of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences by Adjunct Gakman until 1786, and further from other reliable narrators, collected for the benefit of lovers of Russian history and especially young people studying, with the addition of the necessary explanations. Publisher: Under the Governor. Smolensk, 1811. In Russian. SKU9ad8d7b97c4327a3.
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Reprint in black & white from the original edition. No changes have been made to the original text. The work may contain library stamps and other notations. Hardcover (other binding may be available upon request).
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