Istoricheskoe razsuzhdenie o chinakh greko-rossiyskiya tserkvi, chitannoe v publichnom sobranii Sanktpeterburgskoy Aleksandronevskoy akademii 1805 goda fevralya 16 dnya kandidatom bogoslovii i informatorom grecheskago, latinskago i frantsuzskago yazykov Dimitriem Malinovskim, prislannym iz Tverskoy seminarii dlya obrazovaniya k uchitel
  • Translit

    Istoricheskoe razsuzhdenie o chinakh greko-rossiyskiya tserkvi, chitannoe v publichnom sobranii Sanktpeterburgskoy Aleksandronevskoy akademii 1805 goda fevralya 16 dnya kandidatom bogoslovii i informatorom grecheskago, latinskago i frantsuzskago yazykov Dimitriem Malinovskim, prislannym iz Tverskoy seminarii dlya obrazovaniya k uchitel"skim dolzhnostyam

  • Eng:

    Historical Discourse on the Ranks of the Greek-Russian Church, read in the public meeting of the St. Petersburg Alexandronev Academy in 1805, February 16, by Dimitri Malinovsky, candidate of theology and informant of the Greek, Latin, and French languages, sent from the Tver Seminary for education to teaching posts
  • Author:

    Malinovskii D.V.
  • Year:

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    This book is printed on demand. It is a new book and will be printed once your order is received


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Please feel free to request a detailed description. Short description: Malinovskii D.V. Historical discussion about the ranks of the Greek-Russian Church, read in the public meeting of the St. Petersburg Alexander Academy in 1805 on the 16th day of February by the candidate of theology and information of the Greek, Latin, and French languages, Dimitri Malinovsky, sent from the Tver Seminary for education to teaching posts. Publisher: Printed At the Holy Synod. St. Petersburg, 1805. In Russian. SKUee75c5f1ec9e659e.

This book is printed on demand. It is a new book and will be printed once your order is received.

Reprint in black & white from the original edition. No changes have been made to the original text. The work may contain library stamps and other notations. Hardcover (other binding may be available upon request).

The original edition may also be available - feel free to contact us to request availability of the original edition of this book.

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