Istoricheskie zapiski, soderzhashchie v sebe povestvovanie o znameniteyshikh proisshestviyakh, sluchivshikhsya v tsarstvovanie pyati gosudarey, kak-to: Ioanna Vasil
  • Translit

    Istoricheskie zapiski, soderzhashchie v sebe povestvovanie o znameniteyshikh proisshestviyakh, sluchivshikhsya v tsarstvovanie pyati gosudarey, kak-to: Ioanna Vasil"evicha Groznogo, syna ego Feodora Ioannovicha, Borisa Feodorovicha Godunova, Lzhedimitriya i Vasiliya Ivanovicha Shuyskogo, nachinaya s 1590 po 14-e sentyabrya 1606 goda, s prisovokupleniem opisaniya nravov i obychaev dvora rossiyskogo i nravov naroda v to vremya, sochinennye ochevidtsem Marzheretom

  • Eng:

    Historical notes containing a narrative of the most famous events that occurred during the reign of five rulers, such as John Vasilyevich the Terrible, his son Feodor the Terrible, Boris the Fedorovich Godunov, FalseDimitri and Vasily the Ivanovich Shuysky, from 1590 to September 14, 1606, with a description of the mores and customs of the Russian court and the mores of the people at the time, written by the eyewitness Marzheret
  • Author:

    Marzheret ZHak
  • Year:

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    Print on demand

    This book is printed on demand. It is a new book and will be printed once your order is received


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Please feel free to request a detailed description. Short description: Marzheret ZHak. Historical notes containing a narrative of the most famous incidents that occurred during the reign of five rulers, such as John Vasilyevich the Terrible, his son Theodore Ioannovich, Boris Fedorovich Godunov, FalseDimitri, and Vasily Ivanovich Shuysky, from 1590 to September 14, 1606, with a description of the mores and customs of the court of Russia and the mores of the people at the time, written by the eyewitness Marzheret. Publisher: Type. Lazarevykh in East Language. Moscow, 1830. In Russian. SKU53368a09d5b039c4.

This book is printed on demand. It is a new book and will be printed once your order is received.

Reprint in black & white from the original edition. No changes have been made to the original text. The work may contain library stamps and other notations. Hardcover (other binding may be available upon request).

The original edition may also be available - feel free to contact us to request availability of the original edition of this book.

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