  • Translit

    Blagotvoritel"nomu vel"mozhe, uchreditelyu v Moskve doma dlya prizreniya bednykh i bol"nykh svoim izhdiveniem, gospodinu deystvitel"nomu taynomu sovetniku, senatoru, ober-kamergeru, i ordenov rossiyskikh: sv. apostola Andreya, sv. ravnoapostal"nago knyazya Vladimira Bol"shago Kresta pervoy stepeni, sv. Aleksandra Nevskago, sv. Ioanna Ierusalimskago Bol"shago Kresta, frantsuzskago sv. Lazarya, pol"skikh Belago Orla i sv. Stanislava kavaleru, ego siyatel"stvu grafu

  • Eng:

    To the Philanthropist, the Founder in Moscow of the House for the Care of the Poor and Sick with His Dependency, to the Master of the Actual Privy Counsellor, Senator, Chamber of Dependents, and of the Orders of Russia: St. Apostle Andrew, St. Vladimir the Great Cross, First Degree, St. Alexander Nevsky, St. John the Great Cross of Jerusalem, French St. Lazarus, Polish White Eagle, and St. Stanislaw the Cavaler, his shining Count
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Please feel free to request a detailed description. Short description: To the benevolent grande, the founder in Moscow of a home for the care of the poor and sick with his independence, to the Master of the Actual Privacy Counselor, the Senator, the Chamber of Deputies, and to the Orders of Russia: St. Apostle Andrew, St. Vladimir the Great Cross, St. Alexander the Nevsky, St. John the Great Cross of Jerusalem, the French Saint Lazarus, the Polish White Eagle, and St. Stanislaw the Cavaler, to his shining Count. Publisher: Under the Government. St. Petersburg, 1803. In Russian (pre-reform spelling). SKU1ad00040a3d35b8e.

This book is printed on demand. It is a new book and will be printed once your order is received.

Reprint in black & white from the original edition. No changes have been made to the original text. The work may contain library stamps and other notations. Hardcover (other binding may be available upon request).

The original edition may also be available - feel free to contact us to request availability of the original edition of this book.

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